The Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) welcomes expressions of interest from excellent postdoctoral researchers interested in applying for a European Commission Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (MSCA IF), with a research project to be carried out at one of the CRM groups:
- Complex Systems, Principal Investigator (PI) Alvaro Corral (
- Computational & Mathematical Biology, PIs Tomás Alarcón ( and Josep Sardanyès(
- Computational Neuroscience, PIs Alex Roxin ( and Klaus Wimmer (
- Harmonic Analysis and Approximation Theory, PI Sergey Tikhonov (
- Industrial Mathematics, PI Tim Myers (
- Mathematics of Development and Evolution, PI Isaac Salazar (
MSCA Individual Fellowships allow successful candidates to work on a research project and enjoy advanced training for up to 24 months. The programme provides a competitive salary, mobility and family allowance plus a budget for research and training costs.
Selected candidates will be informed by 30th June 2019 of the next steps in the submission process (training, reviews, etc). They will then be supported by CRM staff to co-write and develop a joint proposal.
The candidates should have obtained the following before 11th September 2019:
– A doctoral degree or (proven) at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience;
– (For applicants interested in a European Individual Fellowship) to have lived, studied or worked in Spain for less than 12 months between September 2016 and September 2019.
– (For applicants interested in a Global Individual Fellowship, to be contracted by a non-European institution followed by one year return period at CRM) to have spent more than 12 months in Spain between September 2016 and September 2019.
If you are interested, please email the Principal Investigator of the potential host group at CRM, including a CV and a brief description of the research topic which would be the focus of the proposal.
20th June 2019
For more info contact: