V nadaljevanju obvestila vam posredujemo vabilo raziskovalcem na delavnico za pripravo prijave na MSCA doktorske mreže, ki bo potekala v fizični obliki v Regensburgu (Nemčija) od 22. – 23. 3. 2023. Prijaviti se je mogoče preko spletne strani tukaj.
The Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR), the Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (BAYHOST) and the Bavarian-Czech Academic Agency (BTHA) would like to invite you to a workshop aiming at initiating consortia and applications in the European funding program “Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: Doctoral Networks”. The workshop takes place in Regensburg (Germany) from 22-23 March as a physical meeting.
The workshop is directed to researchers from all disciplines who are interested in building or joining a consortium in the MSCA Doctoral Networks program and whose research is related to Advanced Materials & Processes and Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability.
We appreciate participants interested in, for example, increasing energy efficiency of large-scale industrial processes or in sustainable materials. However, we will be pleased to receive also other proposals from your side.
The MSCA Doctoral Networks program finances international networks (at least 3 countries) of young researchers doing cooperative research with companies over a period of up to 4 years (PhD positions can be funded up to 3 years). The next call is expected to be published in May 2023 with a deadline in autumn 2023.
BayFOR provides comprehensive advisory services on EU research and innovation funding and can help you put together your application and look for suitable project partners.
Apart from an introduction to the funding program, best practices will be presented at the workshop. The participants are invited to give pitch talks on the research topics they would like to include in a consortium. The workshop will finish with a clustering and networking session.
In addition to MSCA Doctoral Networks, the program „Widening participation and spreading excellence: Teaming, Twinning, ERA Chairs, COST) will be introduced as well.
BayFOR is ready to further advise consortia after the meeting while preparing the application and to mentor follow-up meetings.
Please register online as soon as possible. The link for the online registration is available at the BAYHOST website (www.bayhost.de).
In the online registration you can apply for free accommodation and travel grants provided by BAYHOST and the Bavarian-Czech Academic Agency.
The workshop is particularly addressed to researchers and companies from Bavaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia. However, researchers from other EU countries and countries associated to Horizon Europe are welcome as well.