S strani nacionalne kontaktne točke za Obzorje Evropa, Steber II, Grozd 4, dr. Andreje Umek Venturini smo prejeli povabilo k sodelovanju v projektu Novel paradigms and approaches, towards AI-powered robots– step change in functionality (AI, data and robotics partnership), ki se prijavlja na razpis HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-03 (Grozd 4, razpis RIA, rok 19. 3. 2024). Koordinator projekta je National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology iz Francije.

Iščejo partnerje na področjih (za točnejšo navedbo navajamo kar v angleščini):
– A Researcher in Philosophy or sociology to question the ethical aspects of the collaboration between the robot and humans.
– A researcher or professional expert in legal aspects linked to digital technologies, AI, robotics (profile : expert lawyer, researcher in law).
– An “Impact” partner, that can bring real added value in Impact path, exploitation, market analysis, innovation strategy, dissemination towards specialised chemistry and pharmaceutical companies in Europe (profile: cluster, federation, association in chemistry with European dimension, or innovation/market expert in chemistry).

O projektu:
– Objectives : to develop a professional robot, an aware coworker for chemistry labs.
– Activities :
– type of partners already involved and their skills : Inria robotic teams, SyensQo, Catie and others.

Vljudno vas prosimo, da do 4. 2. 2024 sporočite vaše zanimanje na projektna.fnm@um.si
