Malteške nevladne organizacije/mala in srednja podjetja iščejo potencialne partnerje za LIFE projekte.

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I am writing from the office of the National Contact Point in Malta as we have a few NGOs/SMEs who are looking for potential projects to join. If they are successful in joining a consortium our Ministry may provide their co-financing. I will give you a brief overview.

  1. Circular economy NGO: We have an NGO association of SMEs who work within circular economy and want to join a project that focuses on extraction of WEEE and the utilisation of the components therein, and because they are in an island, to develop a logistics plan to reduce their need to export waste. They would be interested in meeting with any project which involves circular economy and WEEE materials.
  2. CET NGO: We have an NGO who operates within hospitality but are looking to engage in a CET project as they have been undertaking a small internally funded project which measures energy use in the hospitality sector and will use the data to set benchmarks. As such, they would be interested in using the results of their internal project to develop energy related use policies (like certification or promoting management systems). Thus, they could work within CET Local (scope C), CET BETTERENO (scope A and C), CET BUSINESS (scope A or B), wherein they would be happy to collaborate to develop a project idea or join as a partner.
  3. CET SME: And we have an SME that is focussing on net-zero carbon building projects. They operate with companies that make prefabricated modular construction and this is forming the main part of their ideas. They are looking for stakeholders, representing key groups, to engage in a CET project (potentially BETTERENO under Scope A or C, or CET BUSINESS). They would be happy to discuss with any interested partner (from an island?) to further develop the idea and/or even replicate the project.

We would also be interested to hear if anyone has approached you looking for European partners for LIFE projects under any subprogramme which we could circulate amongst our contacts.

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