Oddelek za matematiko in računalništvo
Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko
Univerza v Mariboru

Oddelek za matematiko
Inštitut za matematiko, fiziko in mehaniko


Seminar iz topologije svoje delo nadaljuje v ponedeljek, 10. 7. 2023, ob 13:00 uri v predavalnici 0/103.

Predavali bodo:

1. Veronica Martinez de la Vega (13:00 – 13:45)
Naslov predavanja: Dendroids and Selections

Povzetek: Let X be a nonempty, compact, connected metric space (a contiunuum) and C(X) the hyperspace of subcontinua of X, i.e. C(X) = {A in X : A is a continuum in X} and
F1(X) = {{a} in C(X) : a in X}. It is easy to show that F1(X) is homeomorphic to X. Define a selection, s, as a continuous retraction s : C(X) —> F1(X) such that s(A) is contained in A, or s can be defined as a map s : C(X) —> X such that s(A) in A.
We show in this talk for which continua selections can be defined and some interesting results around this type of maps.

2. Sina Greenwood (14:00 – 14:45)
Naslov predavanja: n-manifold and inverse limits of set-valued functions

Povzetek: I will discuss inverse sequences of set-valued functions whose inverse limits are manifolds, with and without boundary. It turns out that the only such manifolds (without boundary), are tori.

3. Bradley Windelborn (15:00 – 15:45).
Naslov predavanja: Characterising Functions between Compact Connected Metric Spaces

Povzetek: We consider the following question: When can an arbitrary function between sets be turned into a continuous function between compact connected metric spaces by adding metrics to the sets? We discuss our conjectured solution to this. We will focus on the bijective self-map case and through looking at examples build a classifying conjecture/theorem. Following that, we briefly discuss the general case.


Vljudno vabljeni!
Iztok Banič in Tina Sovič
