Spoštovani raziskovalke in raziskovalci,

Svetovna organizacija za sistemsko razmišljanje in kibernetiko (WOSC) že vrsto let odlično sodeluje z Univerzo v Mariboru. Zato vas z velikim veseljem vabimo, da oddate svoj prispevek za:

WOSC 19th Congress 2024, Shaping collaborative ecosystems for tomorrow,
ki bo potekal  od 11. – 13. 9. 2024 v Lady Margaret Hall in Oxford, UK.

Kongres se bo usmeril na teme:

  1. Enhancing Active Citizenshipand democratic processes

1.1 Enabling Active Citizenship
1.2 Enhancing democratic processes

  1. Integrating ecological, social, and economic dimensions of organizational governance and management

2.1 Systemic Governance and Management
2.2 Exploring the nexus of ecology, society, and economics in organizational governance
2.3 A Shift in paradigm: how the Viable System Model shapes collaborative, self-governing organisations and networks

  1. Combining Physical, Digital, Natural, and Artificial worldsinto CyberSystemic ontologies

3.1 AI in the environment of uncertainty
3.2 CyberSystemic examination of Interactions, relationships, and agents of change 

  1. Learningto develop new personal and organisational capabilities

4.1 Cybernetic and Systems Education: Past, Present and Future

Prosimo, da strukturirani povzetek pošljete na WOSC.org@gmail.com do najkasneje 1. 4. 2024.
Pri tem vas prosimo, da sledite navodilom objavljenim na submission guidelines.

Avtorji sprejetih povzetkov se boste lahko registrirali na https://wosc.world/index.php/wosc-congress-2024/congress-registration

Kot član Univerze v Mariboru lahko predlagate registracijo po znižani ceni.
Več informacij najdete na spletni strani: https://wosc.world/
