Obveščamo o možnosti sodelovanja na predstavitvi odprtih razpisov programa Digitalna Evropa, ki bo potekala 4. septembra 2024 (preko spleta).

Podobno kot v programu Obzorje Evropa civilna varnost (grozd 3), je tudi v programu Digitalna Evropa ena izmed razpisnih tematik namenjena kibernetski varnosti, s to razliko, da so razpisi Digitalna Evropa bolj osredotočeni na premostitev vrzeli od raziskav do uvajanja tehnologij na trg.

V okviru dogodka bo potekalo mreženje in možnost predstavitve vaših projektnih idej (pitch).

Registracija na spletni dogodek poteka do 27. avgusta na povezavi spodaj.

The event will take place on Wednesday, September 4th from 13:00 till 15:00 CEST, with a registration deadline on Tuesday, August 27th at 23:59 CEST.

 We welcome participants from all countries and therefore we would like to ask you to share the event with your network! This can be as simple as a mail to your network mail list with the link to the event page where they can register. You can find the event page here: Digital Europe: Open Call Information & Matchmaking Event | FFG

The calls topics covered in this event include the following:

3 topics within the main work programme with a common deadline of November 21st 2024: 

 6 topics with the cybersecurity work programme with a common deadline of January 21st 2025: 
